The Pacific Sailfin Tang, also known as the Brown Scopas Tang, is a vibrant fish displaying a yellow dorsal side and brown ventral side, with light blue intricately-marked scales. As it matures, the colors become more defined. Its tail has a solid brown hue, while juveniles exhibit larger fins in addition to a purplish hue. To provide enough space for the Tang to swim, a tank of 125 gallons or larger is required. It has an aggressive nature and should be housed alone. Though it eats the same food other fish in the aquarium do, its diet should include marine-based algae and seaweed. Sea Veggies, Seaweed Salad, and Ocean Nutrition are all excellent choices to feed at least three times a week!
Purchase Size: approx 2-4"
* For online orders of marine livestock, please allow a slightly longer delivery time to account for handling during shipment and quarantine processes. This may range from 1-3 weeks, but it will ensure the health and well-being of your new addition.
* All Livestock is for Sale in Singapore only and and Not Available for overseas export.